International Relations

  1. Syllabus- Overview and Approach
  2. Approach
  3. Overview
  4. Syllabus
  5. Basics of Foreign Policy
  6. India and Disarmament
  7. Look East- Act East
  8. India and Neighbours
  9. Pakistan (Part-1,2)
  10. Pakistan (Part – 3)
  11. Pakistan (Part-4)
  12. Pakistan (Part-5)
  13. Afghanistan (Part-1)
  14. Afghanistan (Part-2)
  15. Bangladesh
  16. Myanmar
  17. Bhutan (Part-1)
  18. Bhutan (Part-2)
  19. China
  20. SAARC (Part-1)
  22. Mekong Ganga Cooperation
  23. Pakistan (Part-2)
  24. SAARC 2
  25. Sri Lanka Part 1
  26. Sri Lanka Part 2
  27. India and Major Powers
  28. USA
  29. USA (Part-2)
  30. Russia
  31. Canada
  32. UK
  33. USA (Part-3)
  34. Central Asia
  35. India – Central Asia (Part-1)
  36. India – Central Asia (Part-2)
  37. SCO (Part-1)
  38. SCO (Part-2)
  39. CSTO
  40. Middle East
  41. Iran
  42. UAE and Qatar
  43. Saudi Arabia
  44. OPEC
  45. GCC
  46. Major Groupings
  47. MTCR and Australia Group
  48. Wassenaar Arrangement
  49. NSG and Other Groups
  50. BRICS
  51. IBSA
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